
TermTrends 2023
TermTrends 2023 – Terminology in the Era of Linguistic Data Science – will be co-located with LDK 2023 at the University of Vienna, Austria, on

LSP 2022
On the subject “Shaping knowledge through language: LSP in theory and practice”, LSP2022 was held between September 12-13, 2022, at NOVA University Lisbon, campus de

Terminology in the 21st century: many faces, many places
Terminology in the 21st century: many faces, many places Terminology in the 21st century: many faces, many places – Term 21 – workshop will take

Doctoral Defence in Terminology
On the 7th of March, the public defense of Ana Salgado’s doctoral exams will take place, in the Terminology and Translation branch, in the Terminology

LREC 2022
The 13th edition of LREC is co-organised by the European Language Resource Association (ELRA) and the Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli” (ILC-CNR), with the

In this tutorial, we will present the main concepts about how to design and implement a reusable and interoperable multilingual terminological database by putting into