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- 23/08/2024
- Book chapter
Anonymized Title for Review
Salgado, A., Costa, R., Tasovac. T., Romary, L., Khan, A. F., Almeida, B., Ramos, M., Carvalho, S., Silva, R., Khemakhem, M. (2024). Anonymized Title for Review. Jacqueline Aiello, Rita Calabrese, Rosella Latorraca (eds.). Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice. John Benjamins. [forthcoming]
- 23/08/2024
- Book chapter
Portuguese dictionaries
Costa, R. & Salgado, A. (2024). Portuguese dictionaries. Conversations on Dictionaries. Ilan Stavans (ed.). Cambridge University Press. [forthcoming]
- 23/08/2024
- Conference abstract
Portuguese Lexicography: MorDigital project
Costa, R. & Salgado, A. (2024). Portuguese Lexicography: MorDigital project. PL & LTL 2024: The 9th International Symposium on Pedagogical Lexicography and L2 Teaching and Learning, October 25-27, Wuhan, China. [forthcoming]
- 08/07/2024
- Training
TEI Lex-0 in action: Dictionaries Modelling – Ana Salgado
This introductory course serves as a gateway to the world of dictionary encoding, following the Guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), with a special emphasis on TEI Lex-0. While the remarkable flexibility of TEI guidelines offers advantages in various circumstances, it is essential to recognize that they also present specific challenges in the context of interoperability.
More information:
- 08/07/2024
- Training
Linguistic Linked Open Data for humanists – Anas Fahad Khan
Linguistic Linked Open Data for humanists – Anas Fahad Khan
Having achieved popularity as a way of publishing and accessing data in different fields of the sciences and for sharing large encyclopaedic datasets such as DBpedia (derived from Wikipedia), linked data is becoming more and more popular in different areas of the humanities.
The course also included participation from Giulia Pedonese and Michele Mallia (CNR-ILC, Italy).
More information:
- 19/06/2024
- Oral presentation
Old language dictionaries as valuable resources for contemporary language learning
Salgado, A. & Costa, R. (2024). Old language dictionaries as valuable resources for contemporary language learning. 14th International Conference in Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, University of Westminster, UK, 18–20 June 2024.
- 18/06/2024
- Conference abstract
Old language dictionaries as valuable resources for contemporary language learning
Salgado, A. & Costa, R. (2023, June 18–20). Old language dictionaries as valuable resources for contemporary language learning. 14th International Conference for Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (ICHLL14). University of Westminster, London.
- 10/06/2024
- Journal article
Morais dictionary: Following best practices in a retrodigitised dictionary project
Salgado, A., Romary, L., Costa, R., Tasovac, T., Lehečka, B., Khan, A., Ramos, M., Almeida, B., Carvalho, S., Khemakhem, M., & Silva, R. (2024). Morais dictionary: Following best practices in a retrodigitised dictionary project. In R. Costa & R. Amaro (Eds.), Humanities going digital: Teaching, training & research experiences [Special issue]. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing (IJHAC). ISSN 1753-8548, e-ISSN 1755-1706.
- 20/03/2024
- Poster
Guidelines for Encoding Domain Labels for Linked Data Lexical Resources in RDF
Khan, F., Salgado, A., Costa, R., Ramos, M., Almeida, B., Carvalho, S., & Silva, R. (2024). Guidelines for Encoding Domain Labels in RDF. Sixth Nexus Plenary Meeting – Final Event. Athena Research Center, Athens, Greece.
- 20/03/2024
- Report
Metodologia para a OCeRização do Diccionario da Lingua Portugueza de António de Morais Silva
Ramos, M., Costa, R., Salgado, A., Silva, R., Almeida, B., & Carvalho, S. (March 2024). Metodologia para a OCeRização do Diccionario da Lingua Portugueza de António de Morais Silva. Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.
- 02/02/2024
- Journal article
Le projet lexicographique MORDigital: une nouvelle approche au service des dictionnaires numériques
Costa, R. & Salgado, A. (2023). Le projet lexicographique MORDigital: une nouvelle approche au service des dictionnaires numériques. In Éla. Études de linguistique appliquée 3, 211, p. 315–384. Revue de didactologie et de lexiculturologie des langues-cultures. Paris: Klincksieck Editions.
- 03/01/2024
- Conference article
Modelling usage information in a legacy dictionary: from TEI Lex-0 to Ontolex-Lemon
Almeida, B. Costa, R., Salgado, A., Ramos, M., Romary, L., Khan, F., Carvalho, S., Khemakhem, M., Silva, R., & Tasovac, T. (2023). Modelling usage information in a legacy dictionary: from TEI Lex-0 to Ontolex-Lemon. In Y. Rochat, C. Métrailler & M. Piotrowski (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Methods in the Humanities 2022 (pp.–5 21). CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( ISSN 1613-0073.
- 15/12/2023
- Oral presentation
MorDigital: do dicionário em papel ao digital
Costa, R., & Salgado, A. (2023). MorDigital: do dicionário em papel ao digital (conferência de abertura). M. F. Gonçalves & M. Dores (orgs.), VIII Seminário Internacional História e Língua: Interfaces, 15th December. Évora: Universidade de Évora.
- 28/11/2023
- Oral presentation
The MORDigital project and its approach to lexicography and linguistic data
Khan, A. F., Salgado, A., Costa, R. (2023). The MORDigital Project and its approach to lexicography and linguistic data: Experiences in (Retro-)Digitising an Historical Dictionary Using Lexical Standards. Consortium–HN ARIANE. Journée de lancement du groupe de travail «outils et pratiques éditoriales» (axe 1 – gt3), Humathèque – Campus Condorcet, Paris, France, 28 November 2023.
- 28/09/2023
- Oral presentation
Usage labels in an eighteenth-century Portuguese dictionary
Salgado, A., Costa, R., Tasovac, T., Romary, L., Khan, A., Almeida, B., Ramos, M., Carvalho, S., Silva, R., Khemakhem, M. (2023). Usage Labels in an Eighteenth-century Portuguese Dictionary: the Case of Morais (1789). ICHLL13: 13th International Conference for Historical Lexicography and Lexicology – More than Words: Lexical Variation and Change across Cultures, Time, and Space. Italy, Salerno: University of Salerno, 27 September 2023.
- 27/09/2023
- Conference abstract
Usage labels in an eighteenth-century Portuguese dictionary(en translation)
Salgado, A., Costa, R., Tasovac, T., Romary, L., Khan, A., Almeida, B., Ramos, M., Carvalho, S., Silva, R., & Khemakhem, M. (2023, September 27–29). Usage Labels in an Eighteenth-century Portuguese Dictionary: the Case of Morais (1789) [Conference abstract]. In R. Calabrese, R. Latorraca, & J. Aiello (Eds.), 13th International Conference for Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (ICHLL13): More than Words: Lexical Variation and Change across Cultures, Time, and Space – Book of abstracts (11). University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy.
- 10/09/2023
- Events
TermTrends 2023
TermTrends 2023 – Terminology in the Era of Linguistic Data Science – will be co-located with LDK 2023 at the University of Vienna, Austria, on September 13, 2023.
- 06/09/2023
- Conference abstract
Building an Infrastructure for TEI Lex-0
Lehečka, B., Salgado, A., Tasovac, T. (2023). Building an Infrastructure for TEI Lex-0. MEC TEI 2023 – Encoding Cultures. TEI Lex-0: Recent Developments and New Directions (panel). Germany, Paderborn University, 5–8 September 2023.
- 06/09/2023
- Conference abstract
Encoding Metadata for Dictionaries in TEI Lex-0
Tasovac, T., Herold, A., Salgado, A., Romary, L., Depuydt, K. (2023). Encoding Metadata for Dictionaries in TEI Lex-0. MEC TEI 2023 – Encoding Cultures. TEI Lex-0: Recent Developments and New Directions (panel). Germany, Paderborn University, 5–8 September 2023.
- 07/07/2023
- Dissertation
Organização terminológica do domínio da Geografia no Diccionario da Lingua Portugueza de António de Morais Silva
Oliveira, J. (2023). Organização terminológica do domínio da Geografia no Diccionario da Lingua Portugueza de António de Morais Silva. Master dissertation, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Lisboa, Portugal.
- 30/06/2023
- Journal article
A crossroad between lexicography and terminology work
Costa, R., Salgado, A., Ramos, M., Almeida, B., Silva, R., Carvalho, S., Khan, F., Tasovac, T., Khemakhem, M., & Romary, L. (2023). A crossroad between lexicography and terminology work: knowledge organization and domain labelling. In F. Vezzani & G. M. Di Nunzio (Eds.), Multilingual digital terminology [Special issue]. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 38 (Supplement 1), i17–i29. ISSN 2055-7671.
- 03/06/2023
- Conference abstract
Domain labeling in the Morais dictionary
Salgado, A., Costa, R., Carvalho, S., Khan, F., Almeida, B., Ramos, M., Silva, R., Khemakhem, M., Romary, L., & Tasovac, T. (2023, May 31 to June 3). Domain labeling in the Morais dictionary: bringing structure to unstructured lexicographic data. 24th Biennial Dictionary Society of North America Conference (DSNA) – Book of abstracts (32-34). University of Colorado, Boulder.
- 01/06/2023
- Oral presentation
Domain labeling in the Morais dictionary: bringing structure to unstructured lexicographic data
Salgado, A., Costa, R., Tasovac, T., Khan, A., Almeida, B., Ramos, M., Carvalho, S., Silva, R., Khemakhem, M., Romary, L., (2023). Domain labeling in the Morais dictionary: bringing structure to unstructured lexicographic data. DSNA 24: Dictionary Society of North America 24th Biennial Conference, Boulder: University of Colorado, 1 June 2023.
- 19/05/2023
- Resources
Ramos, M. , Costa, R., Salgado, A., Carvalho, S., Almeida, B., Silva, R., Khan, A., Tasovac, T., Romary, Khemakhem, M. (2023). OntoDomLab-Math: domain label ontology focused on Mathematics and its subdomains.
- 01/05/2023
- Oral presentation
The teiHeader and standardising dictionary metadata
Salgado, A., Tasovac, T., Romary, L., Lehečka, B., Costa, R., Khan, A., Ramos, M., Almeida, A., Carvalho, S., Khemakhem, M., Silva, R. (2023). The teiHeader and standardising dictionary metadata. Lexical Resources Summit. DARIAH-EU, Berlin, 18th April 2023.
- 28/03/2023
Guidelines for Encoding Domain Labels in RDF Using in OntoLex
Khan, F., Salgado, A., Almeida, B., Carvalho, S., Costa, R., Ramos, M., Silva, R. Guidelines for Encoding Domain Labels in RDF Using in OntoLex.
- 08/02/2023
- Oral presentation
Problèmes terminologiques dans les dictionnaires anciens
Costa, R. & Salgado, A. (2023). Problèmes terminologiques dans les dictionnaires anciens. Acquisition et structuration des dictionnaires anciens. Journée d’études dans le cadre du projet ANR BASNUM, 8 February 2023.
- 02/02/2023
- Oral presentation
Morais dictionary: following best practices in a retrodigitised dictionary project
Salgado, A., Romary, L., Costa, R., Tasovac, T., Khan, A., Ramos, M., Almeida, B., Carvalho, S., Khemakhem, M., and Silva, R. (2023). Morais dictionary: following best practices in a retrodigitised dictionary project. HUGOD Conference Humanities Going Digital Teaching, training & research experiences, NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal, 2–3 February 2023.
- 20/01/2023
- Conference abstract
Morais dictionary: following best practices in a retrodigitised dictionary project
Salgado, A., Romary, L., Costa, R., Tasovac, T., Khan, A., Ramos, M., Almeida, B., Carvalho, S., Khemakhem, M., and Silva, R. (2023). Morais dictionary: following best practices in a retrodigitised dictionary project. HUGOD Conference Humanities Going Digital Teaching, training & research experiences. NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal, 2–3 February 2023.
- 02/12/2022
- Resources
MorDigital Domain Classification (CDMOR)
Almeida, B., Costa, R., Salgado, A., Ramos, M. , Carvalho, S., Silva, R., Khan, A., Tasovac, T., Romary, Khemakhem, M. (2022). MorDigital Domain Classification (CDMOR).
- 21/09/2022
- Oral presentation
Interlinking Lexicographic Data in the MORDigital Project
Khan, A. F., Salgado, A., Costa, R., Ramos, M., Carvalho, S., Romary, L., Almeida, B., Khemakhem, M., Silva, R., and Tasovac (2022). Interlinking lexicographic data in the MORDigital project. LLODREAM2022: LLOD approaches for language data research and management. Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 21–22 September 2022.
- 12/09/2022
LSP 2022
On the subject “Shaping knowledge through language: LSP in theory and practice”, LSP2022 was held between September 12-13, 2022, at NOVA University Lisbon.
- 10/09/2022
- Events
LSP 2022
On the subject “Shaping knowledge through language: LSP in theory and practice”, LSP2022 was held between September 12-13, 2022, at NOVA University Lisbon, campus de Campolide (CAN – Colégio Almada Negreiros, 1099 – 032 Lisbon, Portugal).
- 05/09/2022
- Conference abstract
Interlinking lexicographic data in the MORDigital project
Khan, A. F., Salgado, A., Costa, R., Carvalho, S., Romary, L., Almeida, B., Khemakhem, M., Silva, R., and Tasovac, T. (2022). Interlinking lexicographic data in the MORDigital project. LLODREAM2022: LLOD approaches for language data research and management. Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 21–22 September 2022 [abstract accepted].
- 01/08/2022
- Conference article
Applying terminological methods to lexicographic work: terms and their domains (en translation)
Salgado, A., Costa, R., Tasovac, T. (2022). Applying terminological methods to lexicographic work: terms and their domains. In A. Klosa-Kückelhaus, S. Engelberg, C. Möhrs, P. Storjohann, eds., Dictionaries and Society. Proceedings of the XX EURALEX International Congress. Mannheim: IDS-Verlag, pp.181-195. ISBN 978-3-937241-87-6.
- 14/07/2022
- Oral presentation
Applying terminological methods to lexicographic work: terms and their domains
Salgado, A., Costa, R., Tasovac, T. (2022). Applying terminological methods to lexicographic work: terms and their domains. XXth EURALEX International Congress Mannheim, Germany, 12–16 July 2022.
- 10/07/2022
- Events
In this tutorial, we will present the main concepts about how to design and implement a reusable and interoperable multilingual terminological database by putting into practice the FAIR principles.
Rute Costa, Nova University Lisbon, Portugal
Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, University of Padova, Italy
Federica Vezzani, University of Padova, Italy
- 08/07/2022
- Training
International standard for the representation of open lexical data – Laurent Romary
The course provided both a general background and practical insights about the representation of lexical information. It addressed the various forms of lexical data and showed how these have been tackled by international standardization initiatives.
More information:
- 25/06/2022
- Conference abstract
Falconry, a popular domain in an 18th-century dictionary: lexicographical treatment of the domain label
Salgado, A. & Costa, R. (2022). Falconry, a popular domain in an 18th-century dictionary: lexicographical treatment of the domain label. ICHLL2022: 12th International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, 22-24 June, Lorient, France.
- 23/06/2022
- Oral presentation
Falconry, a popular domain in an 18th-century dictionary: lexicographical treatment of the domain label
Salgado, A. & Costa, R. (2022). Falconry, a popular domain in an 18th-century dictionary: lexicographical treatment of the domain label. ICHLL2022: 12th International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, 22-24 June, Lorient, France.
- 19/06/2022
- Events
LREC 2022
The 13th edition of LREC is co-organised by the European Language Resource Association (ELRA) and the Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli” (ILC-CNR), with the support of national and international organisations: the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing (AFNLP), AILC, ATALA , CLARIN , ILCB, the Linguistic Data Consortium, etc.
- 19/06/2022
- Events
Terminology in the 21st century: many faces, many places
Terminology in the 21st century: many faces, many places
Terminology in the 21st century: many faces, many places – Term 21 – workshop will take place on June 20, 2022, in the afternoon, next to LREC 2022 in Marseille, France.
Organisers: Rute Costa; Sara Carvalho; Ana Ostroski Anic; Anas Fahad Khan
- 19/06/2022
- Conference abstract
From flat lists to hierarchical domain labels in general language dictionaries
Salgado, A., Costa, R., Tasovac, T. (2022). From flat lists to hierarchical domain labels in general language dictionaries. ASIALEX 2022: The 15th International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography, 17–19 June 2022, School of Foreign Studies at Guangxi University for Nationalities (GXUN) in Nanning, China.
- 19/06/2022
- Oral presentation
From flat lists to hierarchical domain labels in general language dictionaries
Salgado, A., Costa, R., Tasovac, T. (2022). From flat lists to hierarchical domain labels in general language dictionaries. ASIALEX 2022: The 15th International Conference of the Asian Association for Lexicography, 17–19 June 2022, School of Foreign Studies at Guangxi University for Nationalities (GXUN) in Nanning, China.
- 17/06/2022
- Conference abstract
Integrating terminological and ontological principles into a lexicographic resource
Costa, R., Salgado, A., Kahn, F., Ramos, M., Carvalho, S., Tasovac, T., Almeida, B., Khemakhem, M., Romary, L., Silva, R. (2022). Integrating terminological and ontological principles into a lexicographic resource. International Conference, Multilingual digital terminology today. Design, representation formats and management systems, Università degli Studi di Padova. June 16–17.
- 17/06/2022
- Oral presentation
Integrating terminological and ontological principles into a lexicographic resource
Costa, R., Salgado, A., Kahn, F., Ramos, M., Carvalho, S., Tasovac, T., Almeida, B., Khemakhem, M., Romary, L., Silva, R. (2022). Integrating terminological and ontological principles into a lexicographic resource. International Conference, Multilingual digital terminology today. Design, representation formats and management systems, Università degli Studi di Padova. 16–17 June 2022.
- 10/06/2022
- Conference abstract
Modelling usage information in a legacy dictionary: from TEI Lex-0 to Ontolex-Lemon
Almeida, B. Costa, R., Salgado, A., Ramos, M., Romary, L., Khan, F., Carvalho, S., Khemakhem, M., Silva, R., Tasovac, T. (2022). Modelling usage information in a legacy dictionary: from TEI Lex-0 to Ontolex-Lemon. COMHUM 2022 – 2nd Workshop on Computational Methods in the Humanities, 9-10 June 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- 10/06/2022
- Oral presentation
Modelling usage information in a legacy dictionary: from TEI Lex-0 to Ontolex-Lemon
Almeida, B., Costa, R., Salgado, A., Ramos, M., Romary, L., Khan, F., Carvalho, S., Khemakhem, M., Silva, R., Tasovac, T. (2022). Modelling usage information in a legacy dictionary: from TEI Lex-0 to Ontolex-Lemon. COMHUM 2022 – 2nd Workshop on Computational Methods in the Humanities, 9-10 June 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- 07/03/2022
Doctoral Defence in Terminology
On the 7th of March, the public defense of Ana Salgado’s doctoral exams will take place, in the Terminology and Translation branch, in the Terminology area of specialisation, at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.
Ana Salgado, researcher at the Research Group LLT – Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology at NOVA CLUNL, will defend the thesis «Terminological Methods in Lexicography: Conceptualising, Organizing and Encoding Terms in General Language Dictionaries», under the guidance of Rute Costa and Toma Tasovac-
- 07/03/2022
- Thesis
Terminological methods in lexicography
Salgado, A. (2021). Terminological methods in lexicography: Conceptualising, organising and encoding terms in general language dictionaries. [Doctoral dissertation, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa]. RUN Repositório da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.
- 20/01/2022
Terminology in the 21st century: many faces, many places
The workshop Terminology in the 21st century: many faces, many places – Term 21 – will take place on June 20, 2022, in the afternoon, at LREC 2022 in Marseille, France.
Organisers: Rute Costa; Sara Carvalho; Ana Ostroski Anic; Anas Fahad Khan
- 11/01/2022
- Conference article
MORDigital: the advent of a new lexicographical Portuguese project
Costa, R., Salgado, A., Khan, A., Carvalho, S., Romary, L., Almeida, B., Ramos, M., Khemakhem, M., Silva, R., & Tasovac, T. (2021). MORDigital: the advent of a new lexicographical Portuguese project. In I. Kosem et al. (Eds.), Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: post-editing lexicography. Proceedings of the eLex 2021 conference (pp.312–324). Brno: Lexical Computing CZ. ISSN 2533-5626.
- 26/10/2021
Modelling lexicographic resources using CIDOC CRM, FRBRoo and Ontolex Lemon
Khan, F. & Salgado, A. (2021). Modelling lexicographic resources using CIDOC CRM, FRBRoo and Ontolex Lemon. In A. Bikakis et al. (Eds.), SWODCH 2021 – Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage 2021. Proceedings of the International Joint Workshop on Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage co-located with the Bolzano Summer of Knowledge 2021 (BOSK 2021) (pp. 1–12). Bozen-Bolzano: CEUR-WS.
- 13/10/2021
- Training
GROBID-Dictionaries – Mohamed Khemakhem
The training was conducted by Mohamed Khemakhem in a hybrid format, aimed at structuring digitised lexical resources.
The sessions took place on October 4 and 13, 2023, and November 13 and 14, 2021.
- 12/09/2021
- Oral presentation
Modelling lexicographic resources using CIDOC CRM, FRBRoo and Ontolex Lemon
Khan, F. & Salgado, A. (2021). Modelling lexicographic resources using CIDOC CRM, FRBRoo and Ontolex Lemon. International Joint Workshop on Semantic Web and Ontology Design for Cultural Heritage co-located with the Bolzano Summer of Knowledge 2021 (BOSK 2021), 20–21 September 2021.
- 07/07/2021
- Oral presentation
MORDigital: the advent of a new lexicographical Portuguese project
Costa, R., Salgado, A., Khan, A., Carvalho, S., Romary, L., Almeida, B., Ramos, M., Khemakhem, M., Silva, R., & Tasovac, T. (2021). MORDigital: the advent of a new lexicographical Portuguese project. eLex 2021, 7th biennial conference on electronic lexicography, 5–7 July, República Checa, online.